Keep Going: Small Business Motivation
Keep Going features real people and real businesses as they set out on their business journeys. These powerful stories demonstrate that just because your business is not an overnight success does not mean you are failing or falling short. We focus on the triumphs, struggles, and small successes that come with building a business. Tune in to discover the intangible but invaluable benefits of your business journey. Pause to celebrate everyday business successes. And, most of all, rekindle the hope and motivation that drives you to keep going.
Keep Going: Small Business Motivation
Nicole's Story: Whisked Away
Mazuma USA
Season 2
Episode 59
Somewhere between avoiding flying objects being thrown a round her and a nonstop schedule, Nicole decided it was time for a career change. Her job as a pastry chief was quickly burning up her desire to cook, and she was considering leaving the industry all together. Then it happened—Nicole was laid off during the pandemic. But what may have seemed like an obstacle turned into the push Nicole needed to make the career change she always wanted. Listen as Nicole shares how she began Whisked Away, a home food delivery and pickup service.
Find the show note for Nicole's "Keep Going" episode here: